
New Details On Assassin’s Creed: Codename Hexe Have Leaked

Notorious Ubisoft leaker and writer of Inside Gaming, Tom Henderson, has struck again with details regarding one of the publisher’s projects, Assassin’s Creed: Hexe. One of many projects within Ubisoft’s battalion of Assassin’s Creed games currently in development.

Henderson explains that while all signs lead to the project being very early in development, the project is expected to be released sometime in 2026 on the Infinity platform, Ubisoft’s attempt at homogenising Assassin’s Creed even further and bringing all projects and experiences into a singular hub (think Fortnite but just for Assassins’ Creed).

Proposed to be a more linear experience, Hexe seems to follow a singular female protagonist, named Elsa, who possesses supernatural abilities. While no footage is shown, an example of Elsa’s abilities shown to Henderson was creating an entire palace made of ice while singing “Let It Go” using a spell to possess a cat. The context of the ability’s use is that 16th-century German soldiers were chasing Elsa, and possessing the cat allows her to sneak around and break some bottles to cause a distraction.

The scenes and themes described by Henderson depict a game that takes a darker, gloomier direction than the series has grown accustomed to. It also seems like the series might see the return of the Fear system from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate‘s Jack the Ripper DLC.

There aren’t too many more details, but you can read the original post if you’d like to find out more.


Jordan Garcia

About Author

The Founder of Chillesauce, Jordan loves a variety of games and genres including RPGs, shooters, platformers, and more. He also adores cats and bunnies, and has a crippling addiction to telling dumb jokes to his friends.